Jessica Rauchberg and Paula Gardner on Interdisciplinary Practices to Help Structurally Discriminated Communities

Jessica Rauchberg and Dr. Paula Gardner discuss the importance of interdisciplinary practices and how researchers can improve their practices when interacting with their communities. Jessica and Paula also describe both of their fights for progress in researching communities with disabilities.  


Patrice Buzzanell 

Jessica Rauchberg

Paula Gardner


More from the host & speakers: 

Professor and Past Chair, Department of Communication 
University of South Florida 

Doctoral Candidate, Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts, McMaster University
ABLE Project and Accounts Manager, Pulse Lab 
Graduate Affiliate, Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP), UNC Chapel Hill
Twitter: @disabledphd 

Professor and Asper Chair in Communication
Dept of Communication Studies and Media Arts, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 
Twitter: @pmgardner 

Works referenced in episode: 

Copy and Audio Editor:

Bennett Pack

Jessica Rauchberg and Paula Gardner on Interdisciplinary Practices to Help Structurally Discriminated Communities
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